AFFF cancer lawsuit

The US Military Uses AFFF Firefighting Foam For A Wide Variety Of Operations

AFFF fire suppression and prevention protects military aircraft and naval vessels

Monday, March 4, 2024 - Only recently have AFFF lawsuits brought the hazards of using firefighting foam to light. Since the 1970s, Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) has been extensively utilized by both military personnel and firefighters for combating chemical fires. However, it has come to light that several components within AFFF are associated with carcinogenic effects in humans. These substances, known as Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), exhibit remarkable effectiveness in extinguishing chemical blazes but concurrently pose significant health hazards to individuals handling them. Over the span of five decades, numerous servicemembers and firefighters have been inadvertently exposed to PFAS through AFFF usage in their line of duty. Consequently, these individuals now confront an elevated susceptibility to various life-threatening forms of cancer linked to AFFF exposure. Firefighting foam has long been recognized as an invaluable asset within military operations, offering a versatile solution to combat fires across a spectrum of scenarios. From extinguishing fuel fires on aircraft carriers to suppressing wildfires in training ranges, the military harnesses the unique properties of firefighting foam to enhance operational safety, protect critical assets, and ensure mission success. This essay delves into the multifaceted uses of firefighting foam by the military, exploring its significance in diverse operational contexts and its evolving role in mitigating emerging threats.

One of the primary applications of firefighting foam within the military is fire suppression and prevention. AFFF foam is used on airfields, naval bases, and ammunition depots. These environments present inherent fire hazards, ranging from fuel spills to aircraft accidents, posing a significant risk to personnel and infrastructure. Firefighting foam, with its ability to rapidly smother fires by forming a cohesive blanket, serves as an effective tool in containing and extinguishing flames, thereby preventing their spread and minimizing damage. Furthermore, the proactive application of firefighting foam aids in fire prevention by creating a protective barrier that mitigates the ignition and propagation of fires, ensuring the safety of military installations and personnel. Firefighting foam plays a critical role in military aviation. Having it on hand ensures aircraft fire safety during jet-fuel-related fires. Military aircraft are susceptible to various fire hazards during the many and varied missions they are required to undertake, including engine malfunctions and fuel leaks. Firefighting foam systems installed on aircraft and at airbases provide rapid and effective fire suppression capabilities, safeguarding valuable assets and enhancing the survivability of aircrews during emergencies. In addition, the integration of AFFF foam technologies and fire suppression systems enhances the resilience of military aircraft to fire-related threats, bolstering operational readiness and mission effectiveness.

On naval vessels, where the presence of flammable materials and intricate machinery heightens the risk of fires, firefighting foam plays a crucial role within shipboard firefighting systems. From scenarios like combat damage to engine room fires, maritime operations present a variety of fire hazards that necessitate swift and effective action. Firefighting foam, administered through specialized systems and equipment, facilitates rapid suppression and containment of fires, thus preventing potential catastrophes and safeguarding the operational integrity of naval vessels. Moreover, the incorporation of automated foam systems enhances the efficacy of shipboard firefighting endeavors, ensuring the safety of crew members and the continuity of maritime operations, particularly in environments with elevated threats.

Information provided by, a website devoted to providing news about AFFF and PFAS cancer, lymphoma and leukaemia claims, including a free no-cost, no-obligation AFFF Lawsuit Claim.

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No-Cost, No-Obligation Claim Review for Persons or Families of Persons Who Developed Cancer, Lymphoma or Leukaemia After Exposure to Firefighting Foam

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