Affecting hormones, metabolism, and general health, PFAS exposure is connected to endocrine problems that raise long-term health risks...READ MORE
PFAS pollution is damaging marine ecosystems, endangering fish populations, and posing financial difficulties for the fishing sector...READ MORE
Federal and state governments control PFAS chemicals differently, which results in variations in enforcement, limits, and cleaning initiatives...READ MORE
Exposing how AFFF producers hid the risks of PFAS chemicals, so triggering legal and regulatory action, has been much aided by whistleblowers...READ MORE
Through environmental contamination, genetic alterations, and increased disease susceptibility, PFAS exposure poses long-term health hazards that might influence the next generations...READ MORE
Because of their environmental and health hazards, governments and companies all around are striving to phase out firefighting foam with PFAS...READ MORE
By use of new techniques to identify AFFF contamination in groundwater faster and more precisely, scientists are enhancing water safety and cleaning initiatives....READ MORE
Long-term health insurance and disability claims presented more difficulties for firefighters exposed to Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) because of PFAS-related diseases...READ MORE
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) is causing significant expenses for municipal water systems all around to clean up contamination...READ MORE
The surge in AFFF-related lawsuits focuses on the health impacts of PFAS exposure ...READ MORE
Because fluorine-free foams differ from typical AFFF in their chemical makeup and application methods, military firefighters need to receive updated training...READ MORE
New PFAS regulations are setting enforceable limits on these chemicals in drinking water ...READ MORE
Because fluorine-free foams differ from typical AFFF in their chemical makeup and application methods, military firefighters need to receive updated training. ...READ MORE
These updated formulations seek to equal AFFF's fire-extinguishing properties while guaranteeing that long-term environmental and health impacts are minimized...READ MORE
These updated formulations seek to equal AFFF's fire-extinguishing properties while guaranteeing that long-term environmental and health impacts are minimized...READ MORE
These updated formulations seek to equal AFFF's fire-extinguishing properties while guaranteeing that long-term environmental and health impacts are minimized...READ MORE
These updated formulations seek to equal AFFF's fire-extinguishing properties while guaranteeing that long-term environmental and health impacts are minimized...READ MORE
More about personal protective equipment causing cancer...READ MORE
Personal protective equipment is made from forever chemical substances that cause cancer...READ MORE
The National Firefighter Cancer Registry links firefighters with cancer throughout the US...READ MORE
AFFF-related lawsuits by firefighters impact manufacturers consumer trust ...READ MORE
Exploring the surge of AFFF-related lawsuits by firefighters against manufacturers over cancer links due to PFAS exposure. ...READ MORE
A Closer Look at Upcoming AFFF MDL Bellwether Trials ...READ MORE
Thousands of firefighters may have an increased likelihood of developing testicular cancer...READ MORE
They are now aware of the cancer risks and are attempting to reduce exposure...READ MORE
A DeKalb County firefighter made a triumphant return to duty just months after being diagnosed with cancer...READ MORE
Firefighter turnout gear contains forever chemicals making them waterproof and fire-resistant...READ MORE
PFAS contamination has been found in a variety of global settings, including urban water sources and isolated mountain lakes...READ MORE
Now it is widely accepted that many of its ingredients cause cancer in humans...READ MORE
The producers of AFFF knowingly permitted dangerous goods to be sold and obtained by first responders...READ MORE
Research indicates that PFAS exposure is linked to immune system defects and hormone disruption...READ MORE
Studies prove that PFAS exposure causes liver, pancreatic, and testicular cancers...READ MORE
AFFF multi-district litigation explores the consequences of PFAS exposure among firefighters and environmental concerns affecting millions of citizens ...READ MORE
Eliminating PFAS forever chemicals caused by AFFF firefighting foam is too great for the states and municipalities alone...READ MORE
Removing AFFF PFAS forever chemicals from local environments presents a formidable challenge ...READ MORE
Summary of the important developments regarding AFFF firefighting foam for 2024 to date...READ MORE
The military trains with AFFF foam as an environmental protection tool...READ MORE
AFFF fire suppression and prevention protects military aircraft and naval vessels...READ MORE
Millions of dairy and beef cows in the US may have to be destroyed as a result of PFAS forever chemical contamination...READ MORE
Farms that surround military bases have tested positive for PFAS forever chemicals that have been linked to cancer and neurological disease...READ MORE
Firefighting foam is made from forever chemicals that cause firefighter cancer and pollute the environment...READ MORE
Epidemiological studies have linked exposure to PFAS with various adverse health outcomes...READ MORE
States have initiated cleaning forever chemicals from all firefighting stations...READ MORE
Cleaning up aqueous film forming foam using supercritical water oxidation is a practical scientific procedure...READ MORE
Deadly PFAS chemicals may bioaccumulate in the body and cause cancer...READ MORE
A Bill has been proposed in the US House of Representatives that will compensate military firefighters exposed to AFFF...READ MORE
Legal battles, health concerns, and environmental challenges surround Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) and PFAS contamination...READ MORE
Removing PFAS chemicals completely from the environment is critical to eventually cleaning the water...READ MORE
The universal firefighting community confronts the challenge of addressing potential health risks linked to past and current AFFF usage...READ MORE
The universal firefighting community confronts the challenge of addressing potential health risks linked to past and current AFFF usage...READ MORE
The universal firefighting community confronts the challenge of addressing potential health risks linked to past and current AFFF usage...READ MORE
Lawsuits are emerging against the manufacturers of firefighting turnout gear alleging PFAS chemicals in their suits cause cancer...READ MORE
Soil testing is the key to fighting AFFF and PFAS forever chemical groundwater contamination...READ MORE
The State of New Hampshire is the first to go live with a program to pick up, transport, and process unused inventories of AFFF firefighting foam...READ MORE
Hundreds of firefighters have been diagnosed with or died from cancer in their 40s and 50s...READ MORE
Many types of cancer have latency times of ten years or more making it difficult to trace the exact time and cause of the disease...READ MORE
Military service members and firefighters are among the types of occupations that have routinely come into contact with AFFF...READ MORE
Millions of Camp Lejeune Marines and their families may have been saved from getting sick had the Marine Corps been forthcoming with a warning...READ MORE
Firefighters have a much higher likelihood of developing testicular cancer than those who do not use the chemical...READ MORE
The protective gear that firefighters wear may be made using deadly PFAS chemicals responsible for sickening firefighters. ...READ MORE
One person allegedly developed ulcerative colitis from drinking ordinary household tap water contaminated with PFAS forever chemicals...READ MORE
One person allegedly developed ulcerative colitis from drinking ordinary household tap water contaminated with PFAS forever chemicals...READ MORE
One person allegedly developed ulcerative colitis from drinking ordinary household tap water contaminated with PFAS forever chemicals...READ MORE
One person allegedly developed ulcerative colitis from drinking ordinary household tap water contaminated with PFAS forever chemicals...READ MORE
Even so, there is little a doctor can do besides treat the cancer or other disease that develops...READ MORE
Significant progress has been made in the battle to ban the use of AFFF firefighting foam...READ MORE
The watchdog group sees an immediate necessity for regulatory intervention and comprehensive remediation initiatives...READ MORE
3M DuPont and other manufacturers of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) have proposed a settlement that many think falls short of what is needed...READ MORE
Firefighters and others should look for the symptoms of kidney cancer...READ MORE
High-pressure water systems and gel-based suppressants could replace firefighting foam and reduce environmental impact...READ MORE
Chemical manufacturers were well-informed about the hazardous nature of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) present in AFFF...READ MORE
The long-term health consequences of using toxic firefighting foam to extinguish fires may be greater than the dangers of the job itself...READ MORE
A new study links the level of PFAS chemicals in the blood to a higher probability of testicular and other forms of cancer in military firefighters...READ MORE
Firefighting foam runoff and other PFAS forever chemical waste may have permanently contaminated local waterways...READ MORE
Schools and farms are testing positive for carcinogenic levels of PFAS contaminates...READ MORE
Lawsuits are being filed by AFFF cancer victims against the manufacturers of the deadly chemical...READ MORE
Suppressing scientific studies that link a product to cancer or environmental damage is part and parcel of corporate lobbying efforts...READ MORE
Lawsuits allege firefighters were deceived deliberatively by the manufacturers of firefighting foam...READ MORE
Military and other firefighters now have answers to their questions about what may have caused their prostate cancer...READ MORE
States trying to protect the future of the environment are suing for funds to help clean up firefighting foam water pollution...READ MORE
Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) is an environmental and health issue in every one of the country's fifty states...READ MORE
It is assumed that deadly AFFF firefighting foam was only used to suppress petroleum and jet-fuel fires but it has many uses in the real world...READ MORE
No type of PPE can reverse the damage to their health that may have already occurred...READ MORE
Thousands of firefighting stations around the country have been spraying firefighting foam on their tarmac during training exercises for decades...READ MORE
Firefighters use AFFF firefighting foam to train with regularly and were unaware of its toxicity...READ MORE
PFAS forever chemicals in AFFF firefighting foam are non-biodegradable, causing widespread contamination ...READ MORE
Improperly disposing of AFFF firefighting foam causes buildup in lakes and streams, leading to public and private water supplies...READ MORE
Improperly disposing of AFFF firefighting foam causes buildup in lakes and streams, leading to public and private water supplies...READ MORE
Military firefighters throughout the country that has developed cancer should look to their exposure to firefighting foam as the cause...READ MORE
Homeowners may have developed PFAS firefighting foam cancer from drinking their private well water...READ MORE
OnderLaw, LLC is a St. Louis personal injury law firm handling serious injury and death claims across the country. Its mission is the pursuit of justice, no matter how complex the case or strenuous the effort. The Onder Law Firm has represented clients throughout the United States in pharmaceutical and medical device litigation such as Pradaxa, Lexapro and Yasmin/Yaz, where the firm's attorneys held significant leadership roles in the litigation, as well as Actos, DePuy, Risperdal and others. The firm has represented thousands of persons in these and other products liability litigation, including DePuy hip replacement systems, which settled for $2.5 billion and Pradaxa internal bleeding, which settled for $650 million. The Onder Law Firm won over $300 million in four to date and other law firms throughout the nation often seek its experience and expertise on complex litigation.